

A message from Budget Maids on COVID-19

A message from Budget Maids on COVID-19


We wanted to let our loyal customers know, we at Budget Maids are taking the ongoing COVID-19 issue very seriously to protect you and our Cleaning Specialists.

We have taken steps to make sure our 2 person teams are equipped with the necessary tools and education to properly sanitize your home. Teams carry face masks, shoe covers, and gloves for each home on their daily schedule.

The teams have been trained to disinfect all cleaning equipment, and sanitize their hands before entering each home. We believe the best course of action is to continue to have your home sanitized* by Budget Maids through this ongoing situation to reduce the chances of secondary infection in the home.  We will continue to make sure all high touch areas like door knobs, counter tops, faucet handles, etc are thoroughly disinfected.

We instructed our Cleaning Specialists to not come to work if they show any signs of flu like symptoms, or was exposed to anyone who may be showing signs of the flu. The Cleaning Specialist would be asked to self quarantine for 14 days before returning to work if they were even remotely exposed. We are also asking our customers to alert us, if someone in the household is ill or in self quarantine.

While there is a couple weeks delay in deliveries from our suppliers, we still receive critical supplies like hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, lysol spray, etc as they maybe recognize we are not “hoarders” of these in demand items which our first responders urgently need at this time. So we are good in that “department”.

MD Governor Larry Hogan gave guidance on which small businesses can remain open at this time. Referring to his Interpretive Guidance, section 2(b)(iii) notes “Janitorial firms” have been exempted from Gov. Hogan’s order of business closures, so we will continue to be of assistance to our valued customers. All team members have been furnished with the necessary documentation to produce on demand if needed. All 3 jurisdictions (MD, VA & DC) are working with the same guidelines for which businesses can still provide services during the lockdown period.

We are monitoring daily for any updates from Federal, State and Local officials on this outbreak, to see how best we can adjust our approach. We do thank you for your continued business, and hope everyone keep safe. Also, do not hesitate to call on us with any comments or concerns.


Ancil Waldron
Budget Maids CEO
(855) 247-MAID

Center for Disease Control and Prevention | COVAD 19
*CDC recommends having your home sanitized daily as a good practice