
Organizing Ideas On A Budget

by Budget Maids - October 23, 2012

Clutter can easily take over a home, whether you live alone or have an entire family of people leaving stuff all over the house. Although there is an entire industry built around organizing tools and products, it does not take a fat wallet to get the clutter under control. There are many easy, inexpensive ways to get your Maryland home de-cluttered. 


Don’t throw away those glass jelly, pickle or condiment jars. Wash them up and soak off their labels and they make perfect see-through organizing containers. Use them for:

–       Cotton balls and swabs

–       Office supplies like paperclips

–       Kids arts and crafts

–       Nails, screws and other small hardware

Plastic Bags

If you save used grocery plastic bags to use around the house, they can take over the closet or cupboard you store them in. Use an old tissue or wipe box to keep them in so you can still pull one out at a time when you need one.

Hall Closet Clutter

Use a hanging shoe organizer to keep all the winter accessories organized in your hall closet. If you don’t have one, they are inexpensive and work great to put gloves, mittens, hats and scarves in their pockets.

Hair Bands

If you have girls in your Maryland home, you probably have an abundance of hair bands. Use an old toilet paper roll to put them on and keep them tidy. If these rolls are not big enough, use a paper towel roll to put them on. You can even pretty it up by wrapping the cardboard tube in shiny aluminum foil.

Plastic Containers

Many deli meats and other foods come in small, clear plastic containers with lids. Wash these up and soak off the labels to use them as nifty little storage containers. They work great in craft or gift-wrapping boxes to put tape, ribbon and other small items in. You can also buy inexpensive throwaway plastic containers to use as well.


If your jewelry box is not doing the job and you still have to hunt for matching earrings or untangle your necklaces, try using ice cubes trays or mini-muffin tins. These little trays are great for putting jewelry in and you can usually buy them two for a dollar at discount stores. Stock up and give them to everyone in your home that has excess jewelry.

Once you get rid of the clutter, it makes cleaning your home so much easier.
If you need a professional carpet cleaner or just need a helping hand getting the cleaning done, give us a call at Budget Maids. We can come out and help you clean your newly organized home in a jiffy!